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St. Nicholas Day in Ukraine. st-nicolas-day-in-ukraine-7G6.jpg

The Personality of St. Nicholas

  St. Nicholas Day is the equivalent of a Santa Claus. This fairy-tale hero brings presents to those children who behave well and leaves a rod under a pillow of ill-mannered boys and girls. Therefore, St. Nicholas is considered to be a patron of all children. No wonder that Ukrainian kids wait for St. Nicholas Day with impatience every year!

St. Nicholas — a Patron of Mykolaiv City

  As you can guess from the name of the "City of beautiful Slavic Women" it was named to commemorate St. Nicholas. His name has different spelling in Ukrainian and Russian: Mykolay, Mykola, Nikolay... No matter how written, the city bears his name. Moreover, a couple of years ago a statue representing St. Nicholas was put in the center of the city. You can find the photo of it in the gallery below.

Contemporary Customs on St. Nicholas Day

  Ukrainian mothers got prepared for this holiday beforehand. They treat their kids with sweets and fruits which they hide for them to be easily found in the morning.

Read more about traditions kept on St. Nicholas Day in our blog.

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