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  The attitude to dating sites is very ambiguous, especially after 30. Some think that this is a waste of time, while others celebrate their wedding with the soulmates were found online. With confidence, the only thing that can be said: the popularity of dating sites is growing daily. The explanation is simple: this way you can chat with people from any country, any age, status. That also means you can increase your chances significantly and find a person with similar interests and tastes.

In the Article "Online Dating Ukraine"

Pros and Cons of Ukrainian Online Dating

Here Are the TOP 3 Pros and Cons of Online Dating

✅ Pros: Online dating allows you to reach a much larger number of candidates than in ordinary life. This advantage is especially true for those who are looking for a partner with similar interests, religious views or living in a sparsely populated place where it is not so easy to get to know each other “in reality”.
✅ Pros: Most dating sites offer compatibility tests to determine the most suitable partner. You set certain parameters (education, interests, a region of residence, character traits, inclinations, and interests), and this narrows the search. The site shows the profiles of those who have the highest chances of being our soul mates.
✅ Pros: Online dating provides a unique opportunity to get to know a person better before we meet him or her in reality. By starting communication online via Skype and in chats, we feel more confident and calm, nothing threatens our safety. Plus, we save our own and other people's time - a great advantage for very busy people who do not have the opportunity to meet often in real life.
❌ Cons: Sooner or later, the wide choice becomes confusing. We easily get lost in the virtual dating supermarket, or all the time trying to find the best beautiful prince or princess.
❌ Cons: In personal communication, we may find that our chosen one does not at all meet the characteristics that were so attracted to us in his profile. In addition, due to the selectivity of such testing, there is a risk of missing someone who is potentially close but did not fall into the reference group.
❌ Cons: Online communication (without video chat) does not provide very important - non-verbal - information about the interlocutor. It is she who is read at a direct meeting and "revives" a photo from a dating site, makes a person instantly close to us or repulses.

The advantages and disadvantages of online dating have been the subject of a major study led by Eli Finkel, an American professor of psychology at the Kellogg Business School. Based on extensive surveys and testing, scientists tried to find out whether this method of dating is different from the traditional one and whether it can be considered more effective.

Online dating Ukraine

How Ukrainian Online Dating Works

At The Beginning

Define goals depending on what result you expect from an acquaintance in order to present yourself accordingly.

Create A Profile

  • ✅  Compose a resume for dating (age, gender, geolocation, purpose of dating, interests, etc.).
  • ✅  Post photos (making up your “portfolio” for dating is the most crucial and difficult moment because in social networks and applications we, first of all, choose by clothes). We recommend posting fresh unique photos that are not posted on other resources. Photos play a significant role (especially the avatar). Usually, the attitude to the questionnaire is formed in a few seconds, so it is worth choosing a bright photo that will distinguish you from the rest of the questionnaires.
  • ✅  Write a few words about ourselves. What is called an "intro" is a couple of sentences in a questionnaire, which, along with your photos, will let others understand what kind of person you are. Here remember our goals and write depending on them. Keep in mind: "I want to get married and have eight children" is better replaced with "only a serious relationship." 

Don't: add banal quotes from public pages, set up a fence of emoticons and emojis, list an endless list of requirements for a potential candidate. You can: write your weight/height if this is important to you (although in fact, it is better to choose photographs in which everything is already visible).

​Not Worth:

  • ❌  Post or write in messages a phone number, work email address, and other more detailed data, if they are in the public access;
  • ❌  Cheat about age or marital status;
  • ❌  Share your place of work (if you don't wish to receive a dozen messages in the spirit of "Do you need a designer?");
  • ❌  Indicate one hundred and one hobbies, among which there are such abstract hobbies as "active lifestyle", "travel", "meeting with friends." It is better to immediately prioritize: "I love snowboarding, hitchhiking in Europe, and night cinema sessions." It is more accurate to find your person (if that is the goal);
  • ❌  Sync contacts. Some dating apps offer to link your account to other social networks or even a notebook. This is not recommended unless you want your coworkers may see your registration on a dating site unexpectedly.

Start Search on the Website

  You can choose profiles of the ladies, stating their age, height, number of kids, and other details important for you when you use the advanced search. If you found only a few ladies who meet your search criteria, you can widen your search by mentioning fewer criteria. That is reasonable to check profiles of the ladies, who have shown your interest to you – most of the dating sites allow ladies to send you winks, kisses, or their intros. 

  We recommend you to start communication with several ladies – by comparing their style of communication, their manners, you will understand with time which type of lady is more interesting for you. Do not stress in your conversations that you talk to several ladies but do not hide this as well. All people are on the site for communication. Whether this communication will be continued with a true love story, depends on you both.

Time to Videochat

  When you feel a mutual sincere interest, it is high time to see each other on video. This video date can be the first date of your long love story but still, there are many people who hate video chatting and can get closer only during the meeting in real life. Your video date is not the proper time to choose one lady from others you talk to. But that is the best time to get the list of 3-5 ladies you are sure you want to meet in real life and make a long trip to see their eyes. 

Video chat can be the perfect stepping stone during your journey of finding love. However, there are things to consider when starting this process.

  • ✅  As hard as this may seem for some people try not to be too shy. There is nothing worse than awkward silences in real life and the same goes for video chats. Make sure you are prepared to talk and maybe have a list of topics or ideas ready before you start the process.
  • ✅  Try not to be over chatty! This may sound counter-intuitive when thinking about the above point but one person dominating a conversation can be just as detrimental as an awkward silence!
  • ✅  Listen. This is the most important aspect of any video chat. Taking an interest and listening to what the lady has to say shows you care.
  • ✅  No naughty conversations! Don’t try and lead your video chat down the road of sexual conversations or acts. You need to use this time to get to know each other better rather than a physical demonstration.
  • ✅  Finally, be yourself! Make sure to show the real you so that the lady can see you for the lovely gentlemen you are. 

Meeting in Real Life

  When you are ready to make your trip to Ukraine, check if the ladies on your list have time and wish to meet you within the period of your stay in Ukraine. That is reasonable to have 1-2 dates a day, not more, otherwise, you will not have time to understand which of the ladies is closer to your heart. Plus, plan to have additional 3-4 days to have more meetings with the lady/ladies you want to concentrate on. And – be tactful and do not hurt female’s pride with your stories whom you have met already and how many women are waiting for you. 

  Be ready that you will discuss any questions you seem to have already discussed in letters again and again. When people talk to each other, 90% of information is given in gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements. The woman will want you to speak about your family, hobbies, job to get that kind of nonverbal information, even if she knows those facts about you from your letters.

Making Final Decision

  We do not recommend you make any serious decisions after your first date. You both should have time and more communication to understand if you can be a great match. But when you meet the lady worth your attention, we have only one piece of advice for you – act. Show your care, your readiness to develop your relationships, plan your meeting again - maybe this time she will be your guest or you will make a tour together to other places you dream about.

Smart Online Dating

  The effectiveness of online dating is confirmed by a series of experiments. For example, a study by British psychologist Jeffrey Gavin. Volunteers helped the scientist evaluate the effectiveness of online dating. They were young people from 19 to 26 that ready for serious relationships. They joined dating sites and at the end of the experiment, 72% of the participants continued communication in real life. Some couples later even entered into marriage.

How to understand that you are communicating with a special one

It is not so easy to meet your person, and it is even easier to lose. We have collected the main signs that this is that special one:

  • ✌  Intuition

It may sound funny, but you should listen to your intuition. If deep down, there is the confidence that this person is exactly the one who is needed, then this circumstance should be taken into account.

  • ✌  A Sense of Comfort

If next to this person you feel comfort and peace, then the jackpot has already been broken! You should not try to be someone else and live in constant fear of exposure, this will not lead to anything good.

  • ✌  Common Goals

You can be so unique in your own way that it’s even surprising how you managed to meet. But at the same time, the main life goals should coincide.

  • ✌  Desire to Make Him/Her Happy

Whatever your character, wanting to see your loved one happy is a sure sign that you are right for each other. It may seem trivial, but the happiness of your partner is also important, and not just your own emotions.

  • ✌  Willingness to Compromise

Relationships are built by two people: one person will definitely not be able to pull out this difficult burden. Desires and dreams can be different, but it is always important to come to a common denominator, taking into account the opinions of each other.

4 Tips for Successful Online Dating

  • ⚜  Don't waste your time. The number of candidates scatters your eyes, but try to narrow down your search parameters - otherwise, you risk spending your whole life on it. Define for yourself a few of the most important criteria (age, education, social status, place of residence, character traits) and immediately enter into correspondence with the right people.
  • ⚜  Don't rely too much on profile information. Virtual tests do not guarantee one hundred percent hit - you simply carry out the initial screening in the ocean of photos and questionnaires for them. They help to determine only the most general parameters: region of residence, education, etc. Otherwise, trust your intuition.
  • ⚜  Don't get stuck on the correspondence. Online communication makes sense at the stage of making acquaintances and first contacts. Give yourself some time to exchange emails, but do not be tempted to extend this stage - if you are interested in a new acquaintance, make an appointment in video chat as soon as possible. Long-term exchange of letters can be misleading - even if the interlocutor is extremely sincere, we inevitably begin to build an imaginary image, which for sure does not coincide with reality. It is much more productive to meet with the candidate you are interested in over a cup of coffee and decide whether to continue the communication.
  • ⚜  Meet at the cafe. Where to make your first date? The optimal choice, as research shows, is an invitation to a cup of coffee in a democratic coffee shop. Going to the cinema, to a concert, an exhibition or even to a restaurant is an unfortunate decision, since it does not give a complete picture of a person, unlike a one-on-one. “Don't let nothing, not even food, distract you from each other the first time you meet,” says sociologist Jeremy Nicholson. “The atmosphere of the cafe and the common table create the effect of trust and attitudes towards each other.”

Virtual dating and online searching for love became vital tools due to the limited pastime of most purposeful persons. We want to note what is important to know to achieve success in online relationships with Ukrainian girls or Slavic Women.

online dating ukraine

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Dating in Ukraine

❤️  How to choose a Ukrainian dating site wisely?

Around the world, there are thousands of happy couples who have found each other on a dating site. All of them had a different story and path to success. Until you try this yourself, it is normal to have doubts. Anyway, trust the agencies that built their reputation on multiple success stories and not only advertising.

❤️  Are there lots of potential partners on your online dating site?

Not all singles are in fact ready to start off a relationship. Some need to be mentally prepared and emotionally stable for this. Feeling lonely and being ready to change makes two different personalities. In a dating agency, you will be given a list of people who are ready for a new relationship.

❤️  Is having a date becomes easier online on a Ukrainian dating site?

The online dating world is available 24/7 so, you may easily access it in your pastime. Moreover, you may coordinate your plans with the chosen Ukraine woman and don’t even need to leave your cozy room to have a date!

❤️  Is it comfortable to talk with Ukrainian girls online?

Let’s be sincere: everybody has complexes and want’s to hide them from their potential partners. Online dating is the best way to get used to each other without stress and hurry. You have unlimited time and opportunities to discover Ukrainian ladies as well as she does. Isn’t it convenient?)

ukraine online dating

Ukrainian Date Review

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