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History of dating agencies. history-of-marriage-agencies-253.jpg

Dating agencies appeared not so long ago – almost 370 years ago. Nevertheless, already many couples around the world have built their happy love stories thanks to their services. You will be interested to find out that there is an official holiday for the dating business workers. It is celebrated annually worldwide and was first initiated... by Ukrainians! :)

In the Article "History of Dating Agency"

Professional Cupid’s Holiday

  The holiday arose on the initiative of the staff of one of the Ukrainian agencies. More precisely, they suggested the very idea of the holiday, and it was later supported by the organizations of Western countries: Canada, Italy, the United States, France. Officially, the date was registered on December 1, 2010, by the State Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since then February, 12 is the International Day of Dating Agencies.

The First Dating Intro Agency

  The first dating agency was opened in London on September 29, 1650, by an English merchant Henry Robinson. Its name was very delicate - “The Office of courtship and meetings”. Freedom and life diversity in the Netherlands inspired Henry during his journey to start a dating business at home. 3 years later a similar municipal establishment was created by Samuel Hartlib.

First Dating Ads

  On July 19, 1695, already 323 years ago, the first dating ads were published in a UK household digest. After the first newspapers were printed in 1690, it was not long before people began to get acquainted with their help. Certain isolation of the island of Great Britain contributed to the fact that for about half a century the dating ads were exclusively English business.

Various Opinions with Introduction Dating Agencies

  According to other sources, the first dating agencies were opened by priests in England and Wales in the late 18th century, causing many ridicules. Rumors appeared about the "conjugal plan", according to which in each city it was supposed to create a network of agencies. Being alone for people over 21 y.o. in this era was considered shameful. So, ads about dating agency services were the only saving ways for men and women to avoid public censure.

Dating agencies

Germans Succeed in Uniting Hearts

  Particularly successful in spreading nuptial leaflets were Germans in the middle of the XVIII century. According to some statistics, every sixth wedding in Germany happened thanks to the publication of a dating announcement. This fact may be explained by cultural specifics along with the more active and open nature of citizens.

Dating Agencies in Ukraine

  Each new century brings to life its laws and rules. In the 21st century in Slavic countries, as in the rest of the world, the number of alliances after virtual acquaintances started growing rapidly. Young people meet one another online on the Internet, correspond and chat for some time, then date in reality, and understand that they are meant to be together.

Dating agency in Ukraine

In Conclusion

 Contrary to stereotypes, the majority of existing couples do not coincide with the key questionnaire requirements to each other. Their beloved ones differ in age or education, in height or attitude to children. Personal sympathies are always more significant than any point of questionnaires. So, are dating agencies' services good or bad? Probably, all the same, they are good. After all, by and large, it does not matter how two people met and fell in love :) Life is good when it is diverse! On our online dating website, you can meet Gorgeous Slavic Women with serious intentions. We invite you to join to meet your Ukraine Lady.


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