What is family happiness? Every person imagines it in his/her own way. It is possible though to find some common points in all the views.
Despite the complexity and philosophical nature of the questions asked above, which over time have become almost rhetorical, the answers to them are quite simple. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that you need to use it in life what is given in the answers. Not just know, but ACT.
As, however, any changes that we decide to make in life, begin with desire, then there is a decision, and then, in fact, action. It is not enough to want, it is not enough to decide, you need to DO. And this is the main secret of any undertaking.
Independent long-term studies have been carried out in many countries and at different periods of time. And they all showed one irrefutable fact - all successful people who have achieved success in different areas of life - in relationships, in a professional field, in personal development, etc., are distinguished from ordinary people by the fact that they ACTION. Because there are no other secrets to success.
In The Article "Happy Family Life"
- Respecting Interests
- Sharing Household
- Emotional Intelligence & Interpersonal Communication
- Mutual Politeness & Respect
- Common Goals
5 Tips for a Happy Family Life
1. Respecting Interests
Distinguishing, respecting, and understanding the interests and views of your life partner lead to his/her inner satisfaction, which will undoubtedly reflect on your relationship. Simply learn to listen to each other!
What do we need relationships for? Everyone determines for themselves personally. But, in general, we need it in order to get more pleasure and joy, to be happier than alone.
The simplest and, at the same time, the most difficult question: "What do I want?" The answer to this question determines our needs - what we need to be fulfilled and happy. Are you able to talk to your partner about your wants and needs? Can you ask him/her to help you achieve it? And what are you ready to do in return?
2. Sharing Household
It is very important that the responsibilities are properly distributed between family members. So, forget about “man’s work” and “woman’s work” if you want to be happy. One can offer to do a bigger part of specific tasks, but should never be made to.
3. Emotional Intelligence & Interpersonal Communication
The system is built in such a way that throughout life we are engaged in the development of our IQ. And we believe that this is what determines our success in life. Undoubtedly, the level of intelligence is important to build a successful life. At the same time, this cannot guarantee success in building relationships with other people. It remains to learn only from your own experience and the experience of your parents. And this experience is often not positive. What to do in this case?
Develop your emotional intelligence! Emotional intelligence is what determines how happy or unhappy you will be with other people. After all, the strongest friendship, the strongest love is not built on the level of our IQ, but on other things.
Just because we put all our efforts into learning how to think, we have completely forgotten how to feel. We became afraid of our own and others' emotions, so we stopped sharing them. Right! It's easier to discuss the weather, problems at work, everyday issues - this is “much more important” than what is happening inside us. It's sarcasm!
Think back to the moments when you felt the most intimacy with your partner. Remember when after some quarrel, when everyone did not understand each other, you began to talk about how you felt. And how everything became immediately clear and easy. When we started to understand why our other half is angry or upset. When we ourselves understood what was happening to us.
This is the first and one of the most important secrets of relationships - understanding and sharing emotions gives freedom in relationships. When we understand how we feel, we can explain to the partner in an understandable form what is happening to us and what we want. When we allow ourselves to share, we feel the most real closeness, because we begin to speak in a completely different language. The language of feelings is the main language of relationships in which you can agree.
A love relationship starts with the two of you. Never let the everyday routine, work, and other people steal the time and energy that you should devote to strengthening the bond between you.
4. Mutual Politeness & Respect
Sad but true, that we’re often more polite with strangers than with our family members. Patience and decency are integral components of a happy nuptial.
It is very important in a family to respect each other. The whole strength of the family is built on mutual respect. If the spouse respects his soul mate, then this will put his interests on an equal footing with the interests of the family. This is the necessary foundation on which happiness is built. If spouses respect each other, then the children will respect them. Moreover, it should be noted that respect is closely related to loyalty.
5. Common Goals
Over time, after a year or two or three, the storm of feelings that at first subsides a little and the relationship becomes insipid, understandable, familiar. The energy on which they started is gradually spending its supply, but there is no new one to feed.
Lack of common goals in a relationship is a very common reason for breakups. Children may become a common goal for a while, but what to do when they start to grow or are not there yet? Therefore, it is worth thinking, discussing, forming, and moving towards common goals!
Goals are that energize, the third important secret to a happy relationship. Common goals bring together more closely than common problems. Do you know the saying: "The best friend is known in trouble?" And you may have noticed that you can rally when a threat arises and become a "combat unit" if you really need to. But this is a survival strategy where there is no pleasure or satisfaction from the relationship.
In the same way, "a partner is known for common purposes." Problems are always about the past. Goals are about the future. When you and your loved one are united by a common idea, desire, and move together in this direction, it fills with energy that was not even at the very beginning. This is what strengthens and grows your relationship.
Thus, the answer to the question: "How to build a happy relationship?" Is to understand and share your emotions, understand and talk about your needs in both directions, and go together towards common goals! It seems that this is unrealistic. But, we assure you this is more than real. These are all skills that are trained throughout life.
Building common plans for the future makes a good team of you two. Divide the general goal into small stages and let each other complete them. Discussing the possible ways to succeed will make you closer. Don’t forget to praise your partner for successfully completed the stage!
In Conclusion
The main thing is just to want and allow yourself to be happy next to your loved one, everything else trains! Start trying today, you will be amazed at the results that openness and sincerity can bring!
We think that these are basics that lay in the ground of successful wedlock. Try to keep this course and you’ll find your relationship blossoming after dozens of years together! Can you share with us any secrets of a happy family you know in the comments?
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